Who We Are

Ag Marketing Partners LLC is a guaranteed introducing broker. We work
with RJO’Brien & Associates LLC, the oldest and largest independent
futures brokerage firm in the United States.
Ag Marketing Partners was formed in 2007 by Steve Barnes and Jim Handy in Colorado. In January 2008, they teamed up with Troy Newman, in our Kansas office.
Our goal is to partner with individual agriculture producers to become their farm marketing employee. Over the years, we have added several brokers to our team.
We work with hundreds of farmers throughout the major crop producing states, which gives us a first hand understanding of crop production around the Midwest.
Your Success Is Our Priority

Why Choose Us?
At Ag Marketing Partners, we realize that no two operations are the same. We take pride in learning and understanding your individual needs in order to create a customized hedging program. Through the use of countless tools, managing of positions and physical grain sales, we can help take the guess work out of protecting your downside risk.

Friendly Broker Team
Our friendly team of brokers are here to help you. They enjoy daily market operations and exchanging strategies. Call us today and find out more.

No Minimum Balance
We do NOT require an opening balance to create your account. To open an account, click here.

Broad Knowledge
With diverse broker locations and some of our brokers operating farms themselves, we are able to monitor crop progress and conditions first hand.

Trade from Anywhere
Our experienced brokers are spread throughout the Midwest, but this does not mean you have to be located near us to work with us!
Our Main Services
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